Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are the backbone of the Lunenburg Heritage Society. There are many ways in which you can help. Volunteering opportunities are varied and flexible in time commitment, scheduling and experience required (we will train you). They are a great way to learn more about the work of the Lunenburg Heritage Society and those involved.
Here are a few ideas for how you can help:
Fundraising Event Volunteer opportunities: Join an organizing committee, set-up or tear-down, work on the day of the event, contribute refreshments, distribute posters, etc.
The fund-raising activities of the Society are a crucial part of our operation and have been tremendously successful for many years. From the end of one event through to the beginning of another, our dedicated Committees are busy around the year to bring quality heritage house tours, folk art, and other special events to the Town of Lunenburg. From the monies raised by these activities, the Society has been able to operate the Knaut-Rhuland House as a Museum.
Knaut-Rhuland House Museum Volunteer opportunities: cleaning or set-up of museum for opening and closing, research, organize exhibits, gardening, painting (e.g. steps, doors), light maintenance, September greeter, refreshments for opening day, sewing (e.g. drapes, costume alterations), etc.
The Knaut-Rhuland House Museum is a seasonal museum that is staffed by paid guides and an administrator from June to the end of August. These staff are usually not involved in the opening and closing of the museum and are generally only responsible for light cleaning and maintenance. This museum is dedicated to the interpretation of life in Lunenburg from the late 18th century to the first quarter of the 19th century and is the only residence open to the general public. Its operation relies on the support from volunteers, donations and government grants.