About Us
The goals of the Society are to preserve and promote Lunenburg’s unique heritage and to tell the story of its cultural, social and economic development.
The Lunenburg Heritage Society is a registered not-for-profit charity and operates under a set of by-laws established in 2011. A volunteer Board of Directors oversees the Governance of the Society. The Society has many members, many of whom render not only financial support, but also give substantial amounts of their time and talents to operate many activities from which the Society draws its life.

Board of Directors
The Board of Directors meet regularly throughout the year and oversees the operation and communications for the Society. This group of dedicated volunteers comes from a variety of backgrounds, but all share the common interest in heritage and helping to preserve it in Lunenburg.
Are you interested in learning more about the Society and becoming more involved? A member of the Board would love to sit down with you (in person or on the phone) and discuss what we do and answer your questions. Please reach out to us by email: LunenburgHeritageSociety@hotmail.com
Nathalie Irving - Chair
Kathy Bradford - Vice-Chair
Oliver Osmond - Treasurer
Susan Hall - Secretary
Wendy Dean
Rachel Martin
Bernard MacIssac
Will Brooks
Committee Contacts
The Society has a number of committees that dig more deeply into the details! Here is a list of the existing committees and their Chairs:
MEMBERSHIP Nathalie Irving
VOLUNTEER Kathy Bradford
FUNDRAISING Patricia Nicoll
NEWSLETTER Kathy Bradford
Other involvement in Lunenburg:
Town of Lunenburg – Heritage Advisory Committee
The Town of Lunenburg recognizes the Lunenburg Heritage Society as a group that demonstrates active interest in the preservation of buildings of historic significance within the town, and, as such two seats are reserved for its members who are residents of the Town.
These two seats are currently held by: Nathalie Irving and Oliver Osmond
Lunenburg Cultural Collective
The Lunenburg Cultural Collective was formed in 2020 in response to the Lunenburg Cultural Action Plan. This group is made up of representatives from a cross section of Lunenburg cultural organizations covering arts, heritage, music, literature, film, and government.
The Lunenburg Heritages Society is currently represented by: Kathy Bradford
A bit of Our History
The Lunenburg Heritage Society was established in 1972 as a non-profit society with the intent of preserving and promoting the character, ambiance and old-world charm of the community of Lunenburg as reflected in its architecture, waterfront and the evolution of its economic activity.
In 2000 the Lunenburg Heritage Society purchased an 18th century residence to establish and operate a House Museum dedicated to the portrayal of the life and history of the early settlement of the Town of Lunenburg. This residence is now known as the Knaut-Rhuland House Museum and is open to the general public during the summer months.
The Society can look back with pride on many accomplishments in which it has either taken the lead role or been actively involved. Significant among these are:
The publication and marketing of several books, pamphlets, posters, and note cards of historical interest
Creation of the Lunenburg Heritage Quilt in 2003 by Laurie Swim to commemorate Lunenburg’s 250th Birthday (displayed at Lunenburg’s Fishermen’s Memorial Hospital – 3rd Floor)
The establishment of the public library, which today is a flourishing and expanding institution
The establishment of a public Art Gallery, which now operates as a separate organization
The establishment of the Lunenburg Craft Festival in 1975 which is now independent from the Society
Support to the Lunenburg Academy Foundation in the preservation of that National Historic Site
Support to the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic in its presentation of the evolution of the fishing industry
Support to the South Shore Genealogical Society which operates today as an excellent resource centre for research on early settlers
Construction of the Heritage Bandstand in 1989 which today operates as a key site for many community events by the Town of Lunenburg
Financial support to the erection of the Fisherman’s Memorial
To learn more about Lunenburg’s History and the protection of heritage buildings in Lunenburg, visit the Town’s website.