We want YOU as a member of the Lunenburg Heritage Society! Join our dynamic group of committed members as we work towards the promotion and preservation of Lunenburg’s heritage.

Why should you join?
You believe in our goals to preserve and promote Lunenburg’s unique heritage and to tell the story of its cultural, social and economic development. Whether you can trace your family tree back to the 1753 settlers or are new to Lunenburg or somewhere in between, you understand the importance of heritage to our town.
You want to work with others that share your interest and passion for heritage. That interest can reveal itself through architecture, research, education, fundraising, event planning, conservation, and many other areas.
You want to feel a sense of community and work with others who share your values.
Join us and help preserve Lunenburg's past for the Future!
Membership dues:
online through our Gift Shop
eTransfer (to lunenburgheritagesociety@hotmail.com) - Please include your email address in the message
Mail (Send cheque to: Lunenburg Heritage Society, PO Box 674, Lunenburg, NS, Canada B0J 2C0)
In person at the Knaut-Rhuland House Museum (during operating hours June 7 to September 30)