Knaut-Rhuland House Renewal
As we chart a course for the future, building upon the past achievements of The Lunenburg Heritage Society, our mission is to propel the Knaut-Rhuland House Museum to new heights, positioning it as a premier destination in Lunenburg, and to safeguard this cultural treasure for the enjoyment and enlightenment of future generations.

Efforts to Conserve the Knaut-Rhuland House
Progress to date:
Conservation Plan: Received March 2022
Phase One: COMPLETED August 2023 - Focus on Urgent Structural Components.
Phase Two: Ongoing 2024 - Site drainage, Foundation repointing, Exterior paint analysis and upgrade to electrical service.
Throughout the fall of 2023 and winter of 2024, we consulted with our heritage architect, Greg Munn of Munn Architecture Inc.; our heritage engineer, Tom Morrison of Heritage Standing Inc.; a Parks Canada Heritage Technical Expert, Evan Oxland; and our Renewal Committee to determine our Phase Two priorities.
Phase Two - Protecting the Structure
Our Goal: $340,000
This Phase focuses on the remaining high priority items from the Conservation Plan:
- Repairing, repointing, and safeguarding the stone foundation, a defining feature of the building.
- Installing a new drainage system to protect against water damage.
- Conducting paint analysis in preparation for the exterior repair and painting in 2025
- Upgrading the electrical system to ensure the safety and longevity of the structure

Protect the House from Excess Moisture
The priority to address water infiltration into the basement guided the planning. Able Engineering was hired to prepare a site drainage plan to manage storm water. The extensive excavation of the site to complete the surface water drainage system, presented an opportunity to assess the stone exterior foundation of the KRH and repoint and repair it, as required. Additional work around the foundation may include insulation and drain tile.

Prepare for Painting
The purpose of the paint analysis is to determine the earliest colours on the various wooden features of the exterior of the house and the age of the paint. This should lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the evolution of the features of the house and will guide the exterior restoration. Conducting paint analysis was recommended by our Parks Canada adviser.

Electrical Upgrades
The electrical service will be upgraded to 200 amps in anticipation of the eventual interior restoration. This work will include heating and improved lighting and will require a more robust electrical system. Also, it is planned to bury the exterior electrical wires leading to the building and place the meter in a less obvious place enhancing the look of the House.
Our Fundraising Progress to Date
Phase Two: Generous supporters pledged to match donations up to $50,000. We are pleased to announce that this pledge has been met!
Phase One: over $86,900 funds for our 2023 Structural Work. Additional funds raised have been allocated to Phase Two.
Conservation Plan Phase: $20,000 raised to develop a Conservation Plan.
The Lunenburg Heritage Society gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Government of Canada.
The Lunenburg Heritage Society recognizes the support of the Province of Nova Scotia. We are pleased to work in partnership with the Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage to develop and promote our cultural resources for all Nova Scotians.

Phase One Work Overview
Phase One
Structural Work
Final Cost: $86,900
This phase addressed the most urgent recommendations from the 2022 Conservation Plan and focused on structural deficiencies that threatened the structural integrity and continued safe use of the building.
What we accomplished:
• Reconstruction of west section of southern stone foundation wall. East Coast Masonry (pictured above).
• Reframed structure around the western chimney. Bluerocks Timber Framers.
• Repaired the current and previous basement stairs framing. DORA Construction.
• Completed an Archaeological
Resource Impact Assessment (ARIA). Davis MacIntyre & Associates Limited.
Thank you to Greg Munn of Munn Architecture for working with us on the management of this phase and Tom Morrison of Heritage Standing Inc. for structural engineering design work.